Dear Friends and Fellow Athletes,
It has been my pleasure to serve as your Athlete Representative on the Board of Triathlon Canada for the last four years. However, my term will come to an end September 30, 2017, and it is now time to elect a new Athlete Representative.
With a bright future upon us, and a sport that continues to evolve and grow each year, this is an exciting time to represent the athletes at all levels within the Triathlon Canada Nation.
Working with the Board of Directors, I have developed the following Terms of Reference and Nomination Form for all interested candidates at
I encourage all current athletes and alumni to consider representing your peers on the Board. Key qualifications include:
- Must have been on the High Performance National Team for Triathlon Canada with familiar knowledge of the Olympic and/or Paralympic qualifying/selection cycle.
- Must be retired from active competition at the levels outlined in point 1.
- Must have the required time commitment available to fulfill the Athlete Representative Mandate and Responsibilities. This includes up to five Board meetings a year, including the Annual General Meeting, as well as other Athlete Representative meetings or Committee meetings as required throughout the year.
Most importantly, the Athlete Representative is a resource to the current group of Triathlon Canada Nation athletes. As such, is:
- able to listen, advocate, bring people together and help athletes find their voice as/when required on an individual basis or as part of a group;
- a respected voice for athletes at the boardroom table while providing perspective from a high-performance athlete;
You will find the detailed list of criteria at the link provided. The process will be as follows:
- nominations will be open until Wednesday, August 16, 2017;
- Nomination Committee will review all applications. All interested applicants meeting the qualifications will have their bios posted on the Athlete Representative section of the Triathlon Canada Web site;
- the link to the bios will be sent electronically to those eligible to vote;
- voting will be done electronically via e-mail (the goal is to have the voting window open for approximately two weeks, and close by end of August 31);
- new Athlete Representative will be announced by September 8, 2017 to allow the selected applicant to make arrangements to attend the Triathlon Canada Annual General Meeting September 29-30.
In the past, this position has more been by acclamation- generally given to whoever put up their hand.
As your Athlete Representative, understanding how rewarding it has been to serve on the Board for my peer group, it has been my personal goal to change this by opening the criteria to include past athletes who may not have competed at Olympics, but still understand the high-performance program along with an Olympic or Paralympic qualification and selection process.
Understanding this position represents athletes following a variety of pathways within the Triathlon Canada Nation, the Board has made voting eligible for all ICC athletes who are 18 years of age or older.
It is my sincere hope you will help encourage your friends and retired colleagues who meet the criteria, and may be at a stage in their career, where they have the necessary time and would like to give back to the sport by serving on the Board of Directors.
I thank you for your time, and appreciate you helping me share the link/document with anyone you think has the qualities to serve and represent the athletes at the Board level.
Brent McMahon
Athlete Representative
Triathlon Canada Board of Directors