Registering as a coach with Triathlon Canada and completing the Safe Sport requirements will allow you to be included on the National Triathlon Coach Registry. Signing up will also give you access to the Coaching Portal — your information hub for all things coaching!
Some of the features include:
- A personalized transcript to track your progress
- Learning management system (LMS) for online training
- Enhanced Police Information Checks as needed
- Respect training as needed
- General liability insurance coverage through Jones Brown
- Access to competitive rates for expanded coaching insurance
- A centralized database of workshops
- Reminders for renewals and courses
- Coaching tools such as practice plan templates
- Direct contact with your support team
Need more information on coaching? Click here!
National Triathlon Coach Registry:
The registry is a list of nationally endorsed coaches. Inclusion on this list will let the public know that you have met Triathlon Canada’s Safe Sport standards – showing that you value and uphold the philosophies of the Safe Sport Movement. For more information on Safe Sport, click here.
New Member?
Click the “Get Started” button below to create an account or sign in. If you do not already have a Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) number, one will automatically be created for you. Please note that there will be a delay between registration and creation of this number – please be patient!
Once you have created a login you can access the Coaching Portal anytime. The portal will track all of your training as you progress through the pathway of your choice.
If you are already a coach you will be able to request credit for any modules you have already completed within the portal.
There is an annual coaching license fee collected at registration. This fee will be used to continue to provide a high quality education system for Triathlon Coaches in Canada.
Annual Triathlon Canada Coaching License: $75.00